Is the Endocannabinoid System in Humans That Much Different from Dogs and Cats?

Is the Endocannabinoid System in Humans That Much Different from Dogs and Cats?

Is the Endocannabinoid System in Humans That Much Different from Dogs and Cats?

Maybe you’ve come across some new articles regarding pets taking CBD, or you’ve noticed that your favorite hemp company is suddenly making CBD-infused products specially formulated for cats and dogs. While it may seem surprising at first that people are giving CBD to their furry friends, the reality is that science demonstrates that pets can process CBD and other cannabinoids just like we can.

Today, we’ll be talking all about the endocannabinoid system and how it exists in both humans and pets. This information will help you understand why so many people are starting their precious companions on daily hemp regimens that aren’t all that dissimilar from their own.

The Endocannabinoid System and its Ability to Process Cannabinoids

So, why is it that cats and dogs are just as capable of utilizing cannabinoids as we are? Well, it’s all because of the endocannabinoid system. This bodily system was first discovered during the 1990s, and since then, many clinical researchers have learned more about it, particularly when it comes to how cannabis interacts with it.

One thing that science shows us is that humans are not the only ones to possess this complex and fascinating system. As it turns out, every mammal has an endocannabinoid system, and it basically operates in the same manner regardless of species. 

The endocannabinoid system is a bodily system that consists of a series of cannabinoid receptors that are located all throughout the body. There are cannabinoid receptors found in the muscular tissue, the skin, the digestive tract, the brain and every bodily system that exists. These cannabinoid receptors create chemical reactions when they receive cannabinoids, such as the ones that come from the cannabis plant. These chemical reactions seem to occur in order to regulate bodily processes that are carried out throughout the day.

The endocannabinoid system takes cannabinoids and sends them to where they need to go so that they can be utilized to regulate underperforming bodily processes. When all of our bodily processes are properly regulated, we can achieve homeostasis. Bodily processes that seem to be maintained by the endocannabinoid system include mood, energy, sleep, inflammation and more.

What’s interesting is that research shows that the body of every mammal is capable of producing an adequate amount of cannabinoids within itself. The problem is that for some reason, we tend to be deficient. This is why the cannabinoids found in hemp can be so useful. When consumed, they behave just like cannabinoids that were produced within the body and are utilized in the same manner.

How the Endocannabinoid System in Dogs and Cats Differs from That of Humans

So, what’s the difference between the endocannabinoid system in your pet and the one in your own body? Well, as of now, it doesn’t look like there are many differences at all. The only thing that we can really say is that your pet should consume a smaller amount of cannabinoids than you do, and this is because of how their body size and weight compared to your own. This is why CBD products intended for pets have lower milligram strengths. You’re giving them exactly the amount of cannabinoids that they need based on their smaller body.

Things to Keep in Mind When Giving Your Pet Cannabinoids

Now that you understand how the endocannabinoid system in your pet works, let’s talk about how you can give their body the best hemp possible so that it can help this system fulfill its responsibility. Here are some tips for starting your pet on a hemp routine that’s compatible with their endocannabinoid system.

Tip #1: Pet-Specific Formulas are Crucial

Like we said earlier, pet formulations are designed to give your cat or dog the perfect amount of cannabinoids based on the size and weight of their body. This is why you should only give your pet a CBD product that was made for cats and dogs. Besides the fact that it has a lower strength ideal for their body, a pet-specific CBD product will not contain any ingredients that are safe for humans but can be harmful for cats and dogs.

Tip #2: Speaking to Your Veterinarian is a Must

It’s imperative that you talk to your vet before starting a CBD routine, as they must know about what you’re giving your pet on a regular basis. Set up an appointment and prepare a list of questions to ask them regarding how to go about starting a routine in the proper manner.

Tip #3: Quality is Always Top Priority

It’s always important that you give your pet only the best CBD that’s on the market. Look for lab reports on a company’s website, as these indicate that the hemp has been carefully tested by a third-party laboratory. And, it doesn’t hurt to search for reviews from a company before making a purchase, just so you can have an idea of how well the hemp product works.

Tip #4: Consistency is Key

Consistency seems to be just that; giving the endocannabinoid system what it needs to do its job. This system tends to respond better to a consistent amount of cannabinoid intake daily, as it allows the compounds to build up in the bodily system.

Overall, Here’s What We Know So Far…

The reason why cats, dogs and humans can all process cannabinoids in an efficient way is because of the endocannabinoid system that exists within all mammals. As more studies come out regarding CBD and pets, we’ll understand even better the ways in which we can finetune hemp administration to cats and dogs in a way that can be extremely useful to them. If you wish to start giving your pet CBD, speak to your vet about the best way to go about beginning a routine catered to their unique body and needs.